Cover Letters

Professional Cover Letter

Cover Letters » Professional Cover Letters

Cover Letter for Professional

Professional Cover Letters

In this section you will find sample professional cover letters. Cover letters in this section are focused on professional jobs.

Professional Cover LetterAs a professional, when you are applying for job, you need to send your resume and a cover letter to the employer. Sending resume alone would not be considered appropriate. It is important to send a cover letter along with a professional resume as it briefs the employer about the job opening you are applying for, your work experience and the key skills that you posses. When you draft a professional cover letter, clearly mention the name of the post you are interested in, your work experience and skills you gained through your previous jobs and the new skills you wish to develop.

Tips on writing professional cover letter:

Mention contact details: Begin the letter by mentioning your address and date. Below your address, mention the employers name, designation and address. If you do not know the name and designation of the person you are sending the letter to, then find these details and mention them in the letter as it will create a good impression about you.

First paragraph: The letter should be divided into three paragraphs, so that it is easy to read and understand. Limit the first paragraph to 2–3 sentences. It should include the details that explain why you are writing this letter. For example: "I have learned about opening for XYZ position in your organization.I have completed my Bachelor of Business Administration in May 20XX and would like to apply for this job." Also mention your skills and work experience (if any) that is relevant to the job.

Second paragraph: The second paragraph should explain how you qualify for the job. Provide details of your previous work experience and the skills, knowledge you gained through your previous job. Describe the roles and responsibilities you handled in your previous jobs. If this paragraph looks too big, then divide it into two paragraphs. Provide examples to justify the details you mention.

Concluding paragraph: Thank the recruiter for their time and considering you for the particular post. You can include your contact number in the last paragraph. If the employer finds you appropriate for the post, then he can immediately call you for interview.

Conclude the letter: Use letter writing etiquettes to end the letter. Write your name, signature and mention that you have enclosed your professional resume along with the cover letter. For example:



(First and Last name)

Enclosure: Resume

Young professionals who have just stepped out of college and are searching for jobs need to emphasize on internship experience and skills developed through extracurricular activities, projects, research work, etc. You can even highlight the skills that you have gained through the odd job you did during your high school. Before recruiting a fresher, the employers like to see young graduate's academic and extracurricular development. But make sure the skills you are mentioning are suitable for the professional job you are applying for.

There are various professional cover letter samples available on this site that you can use as a guideline. You can make changes or add data and modify these letters as per your preference. Along with cover letters, you can find follow up letters, job acceptance letters, rejection letters, and thank you letters. These letters can be used during the entire recruitment process to keep in touch with the recruiter. The follow up letters can be used when you do not get any reply from the employer. You can send this letter to reapply for the job because you did not get any reply. The job acceptance letters can be used to confirm that you are excepting the job once you get appointment letter. The rejection letter can be used to tactfully refuse that job you have been offered without losing the opportunity of future employment. The thank you letters can be used to thank the employer for their time and reassure your interest in the job.

The professional cover letter should include the details of the job opening you are applying for, your work experience and the skill set you possess that make you suitable for the job.

Follow up Letter for Professional Jobs
Job Acceptance Letter for Professional Jobs
Sample Rejection Letter for Professional Jobs
Sample Resume Cover Letter for Professional Jobs
Thank You Letter for Professional Jobs

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